Nitin Khade
IAS, Secretary of Water Resources, Information Technology, Science & Technology Department. CEO of Flood & River Erosion Management of Assam.
Personal Details
organisation | Government of Assam |
date of birth | 04/08/1978 |
native place | Palshi, Taluka - Maan, District - Satara (MS) India |
father | Shivdas Khade |
mother | Malini Khade |
marital status | Married |
education & qualification | Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences (BSL), Bachelor of Law (LLB) |
professional summary | As District Magistrate & Deputy Commissioner, Kokrajhar, Assam Successfully conducted Parliamentary Election 2014 in a very sensitive District, like Kokrajhar, which is severely affected by Communal, Extremist and Political Violence for last 30 years. This District is also suffering from the Culture of calling innumerable Bandhs, Road and Rail Blockades, which causes immense difficulties to general people. Hence during the time of General Election as DM, issued prohibitory orders u/s 144 Cr. P.C. to ban Bandhs, Road and Rail Blockades etc. As District Magistrate & Deputy Commissioner, Golaghat, Assam Taken over charge of the District when there was serious Law & Order issue on Assam Nagaland Interstate Boundary. Took effective steps to normalize the situation by holding peace meetings, talk with the counterpart of Nagaland, Organising Joint Cultural programmes etc. |
hobbies | Singing |
few facts to know | As Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Beed (MS) India Started Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Swayamdeep Abhiyaan in Beed District. Constructed Hostels through Public contribution for children of sugarcane cutting migrant Labourers. As a result of continuous follow up, succeeded in getting sanctioned around 25 Crores Rupees from the Government for starting Seasonal Hostels for Children of migrant Sugarcane cutting Labourers. It is first of its kind initiative in the Country. Started ‘Aayurmangalam’, an intervention under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to provide basic health services like pre-delivery Health Care and Immunization Health Care to Sugarcane Cutting Lady Labourers and their Children below 05 Years. This is first of its kind initiative in the Country and it was Inaugurated at the hands of Her Excellency Honorable President of India, Smt. Prathibha Tai Patil. |
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