Dr. Ganesh Rakh

+91 98504 03026

Personal Details

organisation Medicare Hospital Foundation, Pune (MS) India
known as Beti Bachao Janandolak
date of birth 07/05/1975
native place At. Vanjarwadi, Tal. Karmala, Dist. Solapur (MS) India
father Adinath Rakh
mother Sindhu Rakh
marital status Married
education & qualification B.A.M.S.
professional summary Dr Ganesh Rakh calls it his "tiny contribution" to improving the lot of the girl child in a country where a traditional preference for boys and an easy availability of antenatal sex screening has resulted in a skewed gender ratio. On 3 January 2012, Dr Rakh began his own "Crusade" - by launching the "Mulgi Vachva Abhiyan" (which translates from Marathi into "Campaign to Save the Girl Child").
Awards & Achievement Recognition of "Save the Girl Child Movement" at National and International Level.
hobbies Wrestling, Save The Girl Child
few facts to know Social Awareness Programme for MASS PEOPLES MOVEMENT of "Save The Girl Child".